Saturday, 14 May 2016

Challenge: 'Rock Your Handwriting'...

day 16 Song Lyrics

Have you ever looked at your writing and thought spiders have danced in it or wished it could evolve from your school scribble-style? I've been half satisfied with how I write, it's kind of arty but it can get messy very quickly. At school my handwriting was terrible to the point where my Mum bought me a 'practise your handwriting' booklet which I wrote in beautifully but outside of the booklet my writing remained just the same. 

After watching the wonderful bullet journalling videos of Boho Berry, I wished my writing flowed as effortlessly and seamlessly and as balanced as that of BB. She has it down to an artform and she runs a challenge in the fb group (a closed group but you can request to join) called #RockYourHandwriting which she and three other friends (decadethirty, prettyprintsandpaper, tinyrayofsunshine) manage. 

Each month there's a challenge with prompt words, not unlike the Oh Hello drawing challenge, which inspire handwriting practice. 

day1 My Name & day 2 Before

day 3 5xFacts About Me & day 4 drill: Favourite Word 

The daily exercises challenge you to develop a new style of writing, one that you feel comfortable with and want to practice. Each day there's the opportunity to post images of your attempts onto the fb page and onto your instagram page, adding '#rockyourhandwriting' as a link. A community of like-minded script enthusiasts has grown, a Tribe.

day 5 Where I Write & day 6 My to-do List

day 7 Snail Mail & day 8 Quote of the Day

There's room to include colour or images or it can be as simplistic as you choose, like most challenges the only real rule is to join in when it suits you. As a supplement to the handwriting and bullet journalling Boho Berry offers a 'Tribe Resource Library' from her website which include free downloadables of worksheets, flow charts, self improvement help sheets, colouring pages and stationery, all in her design style.

day 9 Print V Cursive, day 10 Personal Quirks & day 11 Thank You Note

day 12 Word of the Day & Definition, day 13 drill: Common Phrases & day 14 Love Note

day 15 Slow vs Normal vs Rushed 
& day 17 Inspiration, Tips and Resources 

day 19 Book Excerpt & day 21 Recipe

day 22 drill: Alphabet & day 23 Journal Entry

day 18 Trying Out   day 20 Details  day 24 Gratitude
day 25 Poetry   day 26 My Advice  day 27 Flourishes
day 28 After  day 29 Lessons Learned

I didn't finish to the end of the challenge but I'd like to pick it up again another month with a new set of prompt words. After trying RockYourHandwriting I found I was on the way to designing my own fancy alphabet for use in headings and my everyday writing had also improved (when I concentrated). 


Tomorrow's blogpost: 'Art grant applications'

Copyright © 2016 by Roisin O'Hagan/bloowabbit
All rights reserved. The artworks/illustrations or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the artist except for specific permission granted with a free downloadable.

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