Sunday, 10 February 2019

pages from sketchbook...

I've usually got a sketchbook on the go but sometimes there are gaps of weeks or months between drawing in it. Now and again watching a video of an artist or reading a blog will get me started and after watching Joy San's video 'Filling Up a Sketchbook Page | A Scene' I used her technique.

With a black fineliner I worked freehand - the face in the background on the left hand page above isn't to my liking but it is left alone, not erased. This is part of how I draw freehand, mistakes are tolerated. 

After the first three double pages I found myself being pulled into creating some sort of scene which tells a story and the haphazard grouping of images is lost. This is probably a natural process and I know, if I 'get stuck' working in my sketchbook, I can always revert to Joy's technique. 

None of the double page scenes are sketched first with pencil, they retain the freedom of freestyle. I have no idea what the final images will look like, it's all about letting the pen go for a walk and what emerges inspires how the images finish up.

After the last spread I again felt the need to fill the space with unrelated figures - my character Bloowabbit pops up in all the fill-the-space pages.

I liked how this figure sat on the blank pages so I left it as it was.

Drawing so much imaginary stuff got me thinking of the realistic animal eyes I'd drawn last year for a prompt challenge by Sea Lemon - sometimes I need to prove to myself I can do this - and I googled some photographs to draw from. Interesting faces. The important thing is to keep drawing whatever the style..

Time for a new sketchbook...

bloowabbit Instagram link
Bloowabbit Facebook link

Copyright © 2016 by Roisin O'Hagan/bloowabbit

All rights reserved. The artworks/illustrations or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the artist except for specific permission granted with a free downloadable.