Tuesday, 6 December 2016

ABADID 6...Bloowabbit fb art page

In March 2016 I opened an art page on facebook and I called it Bloowabbit. There's something about using a nom de plume or (nom de pinceau) which frees up the writer/artist. I don't have to create a certain type of artwork or worry about how what I create reflects on me. Even though friends and family know who bloowabbit is, I feel using the name takes the pressure off. 

One of my nicknames has been Wabbit - something to do with how I sniff things (wobbly nostrils). Plus there was the time a partner bought me a large soft toy rabbit because it looked like me - it did. And I'm not sure if the wabbit thing came after my collecting rabbit figures or vice versa. I added the prefix 'bloo' as a sort of comment on mental health - 1 in 4 of us has some type of mental health issue so let's get rid of the stigma. Plus, I like blue, indigo is my favourite colour.

I have around 50 people who like my facebook page which isn't very many compared to other artists but I'm happy enough to let that number grow slowly and steadily. I notice from what YT vloggers say that social media starts off slow and then, as long as you keep all your social media sites up to date, numbers can begin to rise.  I've seen certain Bloowabbit posts get more likes than others although I don't see a trend. It might be an artwork one week or my blog link the next. A couple of times I've promoted my page through fb and it's reached just under 3k. However reaching doesn't mean engaging. 

Call over to my fb page and click LIKE if you want to follow my art and videos of other artists - Thursdays are usually when I post there. 

Copyright © 2016 by Roisin O'Hagan/bloowabbit
All rights reserved. The artworks/illustrations or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the artist except for specific permission granted with a free downloadable.

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