Monday, 5 December 2016

ABADID 5...ARTWORK Watercolour markers

I have a mixed collection of Letraset AquaMarkers and Winsor & Newton WaterColour Markers. Colours range through yellows, orange, red, blues and green. 

Continuing with the green mermaid theme I sketched her gazing at an orb as a small shoal of squid-like fish swim towards her. Inked in the drawing and choose to use the watercolour markers. I'm never sure I'm using them correctly - they tend to rub and distress the surface of the paper. While I was colouring I wondered if there was a different way to use them. Perhaps not by shading in using a 'bottom left to top right and reverse' motion and instead gently trailing the tip on the paper like a brush. I haven't given up on them even though they do result in a cheap marker look until the watercolours dry. 

I outlined the figure and fish with a heavier fineliner and then outlined that with white gel pen. I'm trying out some Gelly Roll by Sakura but although there's a lot of hype around these gel pens I think I do prefer the Uniball Signo. The Gelly Roll ink takes a moment to dry before looking white whereas the Signo ink dries almost instantly. Also used a fineliner to draw swirls in the background of water and highlighted this with white gel pen which helped the marker look of the coloured background. Happy enough.

Copyright © 2016 by Roisin O'Hagan/bloowabbit
All rights reserved. The artworks/illustrations or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the artist except for specific permission granted with a free downloadable.

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