Wednesday, 15 March 2017


Next episode in the saga of the mermaid is when she breaks free. A couple of pencil sketches helped me explore how this would look and I changed from a side view to a foreshortened view from the front.

Drew an outline onto watercolour paper and began filling in with paint. Used two water brushes from a set in my stock.

Built up colours on the stylised fish that are the mermaid's companions. Here they've brought her a piece of coral to shred the net and are pulling it open for her to escape. 

I wanted to overlay coloured pencil but it was a very different effect than I'd planned as the paper was so textured. It was impossible to create the almost burnished result that I get when using Bristol Board which is very smooth. However the colour is much brighter with watercolour as a base. Mixed media paper might be a good compromise. 

The foreshortening was better at the pencil drawing stage - I need more practice. Her hair has lost it's fluidity present in previous drawings. Would like to redo this image.

Copyright © 2016 by Roisin O'Hagan/bloowabbit
All rights reserved. The artworks/illustrations or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the artist except for specific permission granted with a free downloadable.

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