Monday, 16 January 2017

Making a Zine...

Making a zine...

I'd wanted to use Bristol Board to have a good base for markers but it was too thick to fold accurately, even using a bone folder. Perhaps if I'd folded each fold separately rather than on top of one another that might have worked. However it was going to be a trial run of making a zine so I decided to use it, rough folds and all. I used an A4 sheet - if I'd used A3 that might have folded better.

Following instructions (see links below) I made a central cut and folded the paper back on itself so that I would have four 'pages'. Marking each surface in pencil with f (front), b (back) and numbers 1 to 6 I started to doodle on pages 1 & 2. What appeared was a figure running against banners in the night sky. Words included 'run off' and 'go'.

I gather that zines are like mini magazines and often have a central theme. Mine seemed to be similar to the mini artbooks I make so it's more arty than informative.

Mini Art Books 2 - November 2016
mini art books - May 2016

On the second double spread I wrote a Haiku on moving quickly and thinking about the feeling of the ground underfoot. I do write short stories but I am not a poet. But a Haiku seemed about the right size for something to write in this tiny zine.

feet move swiftly over gravel...
feel points of a sharp shale path...
sand trail in my wake...

The final double spread has definitions of the verbs 'go' and 'run off' and include small illustrations at the base of each page.

The central folded page was open and it might have been good to doodle a 'secret' message or drawing in there but alcohol markers seep through so I choose to leave the inner pages blank.

What I wanted to do next was photocopy the zine sheet and print it in grey or black, adding doodles of white gel pen on areas that might look too dark. But I was out of black printing ink. So I scanned variations instead...


black & white

I like the drama of the B&W and particularly how the hand looks like it's floating on the back cover. I may have to make more zines...

- instructables
- wikihow
- creativebloq
- mookychick

Copyright © 2016 by Roisin O'Hagan/bloowabbit

All rights reserved. The artworks/illustrations or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the artist except for specific permission granted with a free downloadable.

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