Thursday, 11 January 2018

Picking up pigment pens...

It's been October since I last drew regularly. Bar making a little art book in Dec I haven't felt the inclination to draw. Feel I should be drawing but just didn't or couldn't. Guess that block hasn't yet gone.

Had got myself a new Passion Planner which I liked using throughout last year, for art, writing and blogging. Finally got it opened and scribbled in it. A few false starts but now seem to be planning drawing and researching. That Andrew Loomis book I got for my Nov birthday has been opened. Great book. It was first published in 1943 and many of the illustrations seem quite vintage but it breaks down each main part of the body, male and female, giving useful tips on figure drawing

The first drawing in my sketchbook was out of my head, not looking up any visual references. When I do this the features tend to be ill-placed and too large - the eyes in particular. After drawing some exercises from the Loomis book the image has improved a little.

Loomis suggests first drawing a sphere, flattening the sides and then adding lower points for the nose, mouth and chin. Drawing and re-drawing makes the method more second-nature.

The drawing I like most using his technique I drew in pencil. I become aware of the features in relation to each other and the hair 'fits' better. The drawing is unfinished but I like it how it is. This is an imaginary person drawn using the tips in the book. 

I've written about other drawing aids available online, to buy and to download. I'll list the relevant blogs below.

ISBN: 9780857680983 'Figure Drawing for all it's Worth' by Andrew Loomis

Copyright © 2016 by Roisin O'Hagan/bloowabbit
All rights reserved. The artworks/illustrations or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the artist except for specific permission granted with a free downloadable.

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