Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Ginger-haired re-do (secondary colours)

The doodle I chose to redo in secondary colours was a soft romantic image drawn in 2015. It suits this challenge as it's colour scheme will fit greens, oranges and purples.

Picked up some Posca paint pens at my local art store, Bradbury Graphics. I'd seen these before and noticed they were available in a range of colours and sizes. I selected three secondary colours: Orange 1.8-2.5mm, Violet 0.9-1.3mm and Green 0.7mm. Although the nibs are different sizes they are all bullet shaped and need to be activated by pressing down on the nib to encourage paint flow. 

The chunky large size is nice to work with, good for creating broad areas of colour. the medium works well with smaller areas and the fine nib is excellent for lines and detailing. They are comparable to using paint brushes of different sizes but are obviously more similar to markers. The paint has good coverage, is opaque, dries quickly and can be applied over previously painted areas although it's easy to overwork the wet paint, roughening the paper. I reckon any kid would love these though at £2.99 a pop and upwards they're probably more appropriate for artists.

Chose a Violet Crayola Pro pencil to 'ink' over the pencil sketch. 

Other pens used are: Letraset flex markers Bright Orange, Ginger, Bright Green, Pastel Green, Sorbet and Faber-Castell PITT artist pen Crimson. The figure's skin was left white. Highlights were created with a Signo white gel pen.

At first the purple seemed quite dark and didn't have the brightness of the original pink but adding white to the flower edges lifted it. Overlaying the background in tones of orange plus texturing the green top gave some interest beside the Posca painted ares which looked quite flat..

I wold have found it difficult to design an image from scratch using only the three secondary colours. Working from a previous image still had its challenges but was much more straightforward. 

Copyright © 2016 by Roisin O'Hagan/bloowabbit
All rights reserved. The artworks/illustrations or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the artist except for specific permission granted with a free downloadable.

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