Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Tertiary Colours re-do in ballpoint

Tertiary colours are those created from mixing Primary and Secondary hues. I chose to use Blue-Green, Yellow-Green, Red-Orange, Orange-Red, Blue-Purple, Purple-Blue and Red-Purple. 

The first colour in the tertiary hue name acts like an adjective, indicating which Primary or Secondary colour the Tertiary is closest to. Red-Orange describes an Orange closer to Red whereas Yellow-Orange is an Orange closer to Yellow.

image sourced from

I chose a 2015 doodle of a green-skinned girl beside a collection of blossoms to re-do in coloured ballpoint. I like this medium, and use a shading technique to create a variety of colours. By laying down fine lines of two colours, green and yellow, side by side then Green-Yellow or Yellow-Green will be created depending on how much of each I use. Although ballpoint doesn't blend with itself the eye will 'mix' the colours.

Re-did the doodle in pencil tilting the girl's head. Inked up with black Unipen. I'd drawn the blossoms smaller in size to make the girl the focal point.

The original had spirals drawn over the skin but I didn't include them in the re-do. I liked the soft overlapping of the ballpoint lines and didn't want to hide that. The blossoms show some white uncoloured paper which makes them appear glowing. White gel pen to outline - using a Hybrid Gel pen which needs a few applications unlike a Signa gel pen. Simplified the background as I felt the doodle version was a little busy.

As I used the colored ballpoints I wondered how I could encourage them to blend like other mediums. I'm looking forward to trying rubbing alcohol, hairspray and even shaving foam as these are products used to break down ballpoint when removing stains. 

Copyright © 2016 by Roisin O'Hagan/bloowabbit
All rights reserved. The artworks/illustrations or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the artist except for specific permission granted with a free downloadable.

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