Sunday, 24 April 2016

Indian food & Art event...

Spent a great evening today with friends. We shared an Indian takeaway and afterwards chatted about music, social media, visual art & photography. The possibility of a board game had been in the offing but the conversation was too good and we'd eaten an extra helping or two plus homemade banana bread for afters (recipe here!). Soo's orange sofas were just too comfy to stir from.

Yup, Mike looking bemused at the stack of Indian dishes! There were only the four of us but Soo, who's broken her ankle, had ordered some extra courses plus pilau rice to freeze so she didn't have to worry about cooking whilst hopping. We managed to taste quite a lot...poppadoms and raita...mmm...

A sax player, a photographer/trumpet player, a collage maker extraordinaire and an illustrator. Usually when arty heads get together something new is created. This evening one of us came up with the idea of organising an event to promote our work. Artists can be notoriously bad at promoting themselves, and that's NOT a generalisation! We can be so focussed on the content of our work that we don't put the time into selling. Perhaps some are better than others at juggling both.

We're not aiming for a huge event, we're aiming for small. Although we each value ourselves as artists, after discussion it was agreed to keep it exclusive, invite only. There's a potential to build on this, get feedback from the event and perhaps help it evolve and travel to other venues. It's early days but I'll keep you posted.

I don't always give a title to the artworks I make and the image at the top of the page isn't named. It's an image I drew last year and I come back to again and again, making variations on the 'split' theme. Currently I'm working on an acrylic-on-canvas version - it'll be interesting using paints again after years of line drawing. I chose acrylics to do this as it's more opaque and I felt watercolours or oils would look too transparent although that in itself might create another dimension of this image. So far I've sketched the basic outlines in pencil onto a primed canvas. Watch this space :)

If you're interested in seeing some of my recent artwork check out my Bloowabbit page on facebook, link below.


Copyright © 2016 by Roisin O'Hagan/bloowabbit
All rights reserved. The artworks/illustrations or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the artist except for specific permission granted with a free downloadable.

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